#corporate power

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1 month ago

Claims that British unions harm economic growth have one tiny flaw. They're 100% wrong | Larry Elliott

Profiteering and corporate power have led to significant disparity in wealth distribution, as companies prioritize profit margins over fair wages for workers. [ more ]
1 month ago

UK firms accused of profiteering as vast study finds margins rose 30% post-pandemic

Companies in the UK increased profit margins significantly post-pandemic, benefiting mostly from electricity generation and banking sectors. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Big Tech Companies Were Investors in Smaller AI Labs. Now They're Rivals

Amazon and Microsoft investing in smaller technology companies for AI models [ more ]
Natural Health News
3 weeks ago
Alternative medicine

The Enemies of Food Freedom

The consolidation of power among a few major entities in the food industry is leading to the control of a significant portion of the world's food supply. [ more ]
1 month ago

Claims that British unions harm economic growth have one tiny flaw. They're 100% wrong | Larry Elliott

Profiteering and corporate power have led to significant disparity in wealth distribution, as companies prioritize profit margins over fair wages for workers. [ more ]
1 month ago

UK firms accused of profiteering as vast study finds margins rose 30% post-pandemic

Companies in the UK increased profit margins significantly post-pandemic, benefiting mostly from electricity generation and banking sectors. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Big Tech Companies Were Investors in Smaller AI Labs. Now They're Rivals

Amazon and Microsoft investing in smaller technology companies for AI models [ more ]
Natural Health News
3 weeks ago
Alternative medicine

The Enemies of Food Freedom

The consolidation of power among a few major entities in the food industry is leading to the control of a significant portion of the world's food supply. [ more ]
7 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Rishi Sunak's AI plan has no teeth and once again, big tech is ready to exploit that | Georg Riekeles and Max von Thun

The British government's summit on AI failed to address the issue of reining in dominant corporations that pose a threat to safety.
The summit's achievements, such as a joint communique and voluntary agreements, lack real enforcement and give corporations a privileged role in shaping AI regulation.
Tough measures targeting corporate power, such as aggressive enforcement of competition policy and regulatory obligations, are needed to ensure AI is used in the public interest. [ more ]
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